Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Make up and Spring cleaning!

It is spring and that urge to clean has taken a’hold of me!  I have found it is much easier to toss the

things other people own than it is my own.  But I am learning to let go.  I have let go of those cute sparkly jeans that I will never fit into again!  I just won’t!  On Saturday I let go of some make up. 
I know you are only supposed to hang on to it for a year.  I wasn’t wearing any of it.  My old roommate, Rebecca worked for Clinique.  All their make up comes in silver and mint green containers.  Just looking at it gives you a pretty and clean feeling.  I had so many of those rectangular silver eye shadow boxes!  I had colors for every outfit and every occasion. 

But times have changed for me.  Clinique is not cheap and we have three kids.  I run and teach yoga and wear very little make up.  Some days I don’t wear any, I love those days!  But I still held on to those silver boxes.

I think they reminded me of a sweet time in my life.  I had some great friends, a fun job and I could pull off wearing eyeshadow called Pink Chocolate (yes, a brown/pink combo) or Spring Wedding (it was green)  or Waterblues or Barely There.  

I held on to them because they made me think of friends I made and don't talk to any more.  You know the saying, 'some people come into your life and stay and some stay for a short while; but they are all there for a reason.'  They reminded me of a job I had that was probably one of the best examples of team work I have ever experienced.   

We were in our mid 20's.  Some in school, some not, all of us trying to define ourselves and what we wanted to be.  We waited tables in a locally owned restaurant.  It wasn't fine dining but it wasn't Applebee's either.  We helped each other out, we learned from each other and we supported each other.  These people drove two and half hours to be with me after my dad died.  We bailed each other out.  We drove each other home.  We laughed and we cried.  For about two years we worked together without much drama between us.  Then slowly we all scattered.  

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