Monday, May 11, 2015

Mother's Day is Everyday

During all the hoopla of Mother's Day at church I began to think what this day really means.  And I am sure some of you believe it is a day that mothers should be pampered and given gifts.  All that is nice but all I wanted was a pair of jeans.  I didn't tell anyone that so of course, I did not get them.

What I got was some handpicked daisies and lots of homemade cards and notes.  Each child made things in Sunday School and in their classrooms that I will treasure.  I love the notes that say how old I am and how much I weigh and what the like doing with me.  As a 4 year old David said I was 8 feet tall and weighed 600 pounds!

My kids sing in the Children's Choir.  This Mother's Day the lucky moms got to sing with them.  It was a very sweet song.  They sang a verse, then we sang and we finished the song together.  But I stood in front of my congregation and my eyes kept falling on my friend, Katie.

One of Katie's dear friends has Ovarian Cancer.  She is in Hospice care and she is my age.  Her boys are young tweens.  Katie went to visit last week.  Then she ran a race on Saturday to raise money for Ovarian Cancer research.  Katie ran with all her heart.  I think I would have fallen on the road and cried.

Katie sat with her daughter on Mother's Day crying on her shoulder.  I choked on my words.  I don't sing well anyway!  My sweet son held my hand.  And then it hit me.  Mother's Day isn't about my kids thanking me for what I have done as their mother.  It is about me realizing how blessed I am to be a mother.  Not everyone who wants to be a mother can be.  Not everyone does it well.  Some mothers have difficult children.  Some mothers can't keep their children.  Sure there are struggles and weary times.  But for the most part my children are wonderful!  Wonderful combinations of my family and my husband's.  Nothing is sweeter than all three of them belly laughing at each other!

God has given me these three kids when he thought I needed them.  I didn't think I needed a third at 40!  But he is such a blessing.  God knew I needed that little guy.  He makes me laugh.  And he is quick to hug me and tell me he loves me.

How lucky am I to teach my daughter that she is beautiful and smart and sweet and strong!  That she can do whatever she wants.  And that she will never let me down.

I am blessed to learn baseball and video games and girl crushes from my oldest.  He is so much fun! I cross my fingers and pray every day that he continues on this path, that my husband and I keep him on this path.  He is such a treasure.  And I am so lucky to call him mine!

So from here on out to me Mother's Day is going to be one of the many days that I think God for making me a mother!

Mother's Day 2015
David 10, Blakely 8 and Thomas 5

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