Friday, April 24, 2015


I ran Racefest on April 11, 2015. My first half marathon was this same race in 2008. I have learned a lot in those years!   Jennifer Posey and I started out together running 4:45 and walking 45
Bunny Run 5k 2011
seconds.  Our training was derailed and we just wanted to finish.  We did great until mile 7 and that dang Sharonview hill!  UGH!  I just couldn't hang with her.  But we are good about that.  We have that understanding, that if you feel better then me, go ahead.  So she went ahead.

I went from an 11 minute pace to about a 12:30.  The hills were brutal and I was not prepared to run 13.1 miles, much less 13.1 hilly miles.  My legs were cramping.  I tried to keep the run/walk pace up but it was hard.  I walked a lot.  The last mile has two hills in it.  I ran/walked the first one.  The last one I told myself I had to run up.  My calves were cramping so terribly I thought I might have to crawl.  I did the Margaret Hagerty shuffle up the hill.  I finished 11 minutes faster than the first half marathon I ran on the same course.  And much like the first run, I had to sit down.

I was drinking a beer at 10:15am.  And Michalob Ultra?  Really?  If I have run 13.1 miles and burned about 1400 calories I can have a real beer!  Which I did later that night!

I ran the next Monday and then not again for ten days.  I didn't wear my Garmin either time.  I didn't use any music.  I have workout in other ways.  I have found some fun yoga to do.

I may run tomorrow, because it will be cool.  Running and I aren't completely broken up, we are just slowing down for now.

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