Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Every School Needs a Jamie

Every school needs a Jamie Hackett. Every kid needs a Jamie Hackett. She is not from Concord but she is the biggest Concord Spiders fan, hands down. Her daughter played volleyball and cheered. He son plays football, basketball and is on the track team. He has wrestled and played baseball too!

Jamie attends every game her children have competed in. And many her children don't compete in! Her daughter has graduated and Kena can usually be found at her brother's games too.

When the athletic boosters were hesitant to take on a fund raiser at the Panther's Stadium Jamie said, "The football team will do it." And they did, well, Jamie and her friend, Leanna did. At every single home Panthers game (and a few other events) Jamie and her volunteers sold burgers and chicken wings raising money for Concord football. If your child played another sport she shared the wealth. When the new baseball coach pitched in, she shared the wealth. It is a 9-5 day with a 45 minute commute. It is a on-your-feet-hustle-and-smile-all-day-on-your-day-off kind of day. That smile never leaves her face. She is happy to be there, she is happy to work for her kids.

And they are all her kids. She has the cell numbers and they have hers. She texts to check on them. She makes sure they have a ride home, a ticket to the game, and food to eat.

She organizes meals for what ever team her kid is on. And when he moves up or on she makes sure that the next person in charge, cares just as much as she does.

She knows the story on each kid. Not so she can gossip, so she can support them. She knows who might need a ride, a sandwich or a hug. She will take a picture and brag on her kid and yours.

Thank you Milton, Kena and Jameson for sharing Jamie with Concord High. Go Spiders!

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