Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Be That Mom

My mom taught my friends to eat artichokes, kiwi and brussel sprouts.

We made pasta from scratch.

We had a wok and made homemade eggrolls.

She let us make a mess and I don't remember any complaining about cleaning it up.

She taught me to crochet and to sew.  We made my prom dresses, all three of them!

She taught me love plants and to share them!

She helped my friends with their science fair projects, she was a science teacher.

Be that mom for your children and their friends.  Make a mess with them in the kitchen and eat what you created!  Buy something new and find a way to cook it.

Play with your kids, kick the soccer ball, throw the baseball, run a race, get in the water with them. They may be faster, score on you or hit you with the ball. But they will see that aren't afraid to get wet, dirty and sweaty. They will see loosing isn't always bad (they may loose, or you may!) And you will both enjoy time together.

Find a DIY project and give it a whirl.  The laughs and time you spend together will mean more than any video game you buy them.

Plant something in the yard.  Water it, watch it grow, watch it bloom.  You will be outside in the fresh air giving back to the earth.

And be that mom, go to the movies with them, bake cookies, plant something.  Be that mom that gives them space.  But be that mom that welcomes them.  Be that mom with the house that the kids want to come to.  Be that mom that has to park in a different place because there are kids at her house.  Be that mom.  They will be safe, you will know where they are and I promise they won't forget.  I haven't.

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