Monday, October 1, 2018

The Last 90 Days

I haven't read the book, Girl, Wash Your Face. but two friends recommend it.  However I am taking the author's challenge for the next 90 Days.

1. I could not get up an hour earlier.  I did get up a little earlier.  I need to keep trying to make this a habit.

2. Last Wednesday I ran for 2 miles or 30 minutes which ever came first!  Today I made myself go for 30 minutes.

3. I managed the 82 ounces of water yesterday.  It isn't even lunch time and I have had about 25 already.

4.  In order to set myself up to succeed, I plan to give up something I know I can give up.  At dinner I plan to give up the starch I put on the table.  I like them too much and they just put weight on my body.

5.  What am I grateful for?  A lot, so here goes the first 10.
     1.  Running
     2. the Greenway
     3. My blue running shoes
     4. My Garmin watch
     5.  Jennifer Posey-who cheers me on and picks me up when I trip and fall
     6. Running Club at WM Irvin!!!
I think I will save the next four for the rest of my day.  I will add them tonight or tomorrow.


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