Wednesday, October 3, 2018

The Last 90 Days, Day 2

Cheese straws will be the death of me!  Becky Shinn's circle met this morning and she makes the best cheese straws!  I am patiently waiting to see if she had any left over.  I may have cheese straws for lunch!

I managed to hit all of my goals yesterday.  Water, exercise, time for myself but I have not finished my gratitude.  This morning in the car I told my middle schoolers about this challenge and we talked about things we are grateful for.  I hope to make that a daily thing.

So to finish out yesterday.
7.  Barrett and Travis, two great fifth graders that have run with me since 3rd grade.  Great attitudes, great athleticism and really nice kids!
8.  Chris Hamilton and Casar Delgado in the office at Irvin, who make it possible for me to have a running club.
9.  Jimmy Johnson who donated the money to build the track at Irvin.  When I started, we ran around the field.
10.  Kind neighbors.  The people mowing the grass at Irvin came by and gave me an update on when they would be done.  That is all it takes, a moment to be kind.  Let's be kind people!

Day 2, 10 things I am grateful for!

1.  My coworkers
2.  My job
3.  Andy Langford, who gave me this job.  He pushed me to be more, motivated me and tolerated me.
4.  My blue office, decorated by my daughter and race bibs.
5.  Tammy and Gary Shue who always have my back
6.  Amazon music that keeps me going during the day
7.  The art in my office, by Blakely, given to me by Gaye, pictures of friends and kids
8.  My comfy chair
9.  This awesome computer I get to work on every day
10.  imovie, so much fun!

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