Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Should I run or not? The Last 90 Days Day 10

10:00pm Thinks about setting alarm for 6:00am to run 30 minutes before she needs to be at home getting ready for the day.
10:05pm Sets coffee up for the morning and decides, 'If I happen to get up at 6am I will go run, if not, I will go between taking the elementary kid to school and the middle school kids.'
10:07pm Turns on Netflix
11:00pm Lights out
6:05am Wakes up but decides she slept so good she is going to try for 25 more minutes
6:25am Realizes she just laid in bed wide awake for 20 minutes and gets up.
7:00am It is pouring down rain, should I go run at 7:45am?
7:10am I won't run, it is raining, I will find a cardio workout on YouTube and do that at 7:45am
7:15am Maybe I can run at 7:45am
7:20am No, I am going to do something on YouTube
7:30am Puts on workout clothes
7:40am Checks Facebook
7:45am Sends 3rd grader off to school, is the 6th grader out of bed yet?
8:00am Forget it!  I will run at 9:00am!

Today I am grateful for
1. Breaks in the rain
2. That I made myself run
3. My dri fit hat!
4. Willie Nelson
5.  Keith Urban
6.  Jamie Hackett it is her birthday and her positive attitude is infectious!
7.  Water
8.  Livermush
9.  Coffee
10. Snapfish

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

The Last 90 Days, days 3, 4 and 5

I am eating junk.  I told you I love cheese straws.  But my run today was great!  And then I taught yoga which I needed after the run.  So I have my 30 minutes of exercise and part of my water down.

Today I am grateful for:

1.  Good food
2. Clean water
3. Wine
4. Coffee
5. BBQ
6. Livermush
7. Exercise to burn off the BBQ and wine
8. Slow Cookers
9. That my family likes what I cook
10.  That my mother taught me to cook

I have been successful three days in a row!

Thursday, Day 4

Long, long day!  I didn't eat that well but I ran all day and still managed to exercise and drink my water.

Today I am grateful for:
1. Amy Beaver
2. Community Free Clinic and all the good they do
3.  That I am able to help them raise money, even if only a little bit.
4.  My amazing daughter, who wins and doesn't win with grace and dignity.
5.  Cabarrus Health Alliance for raising awareness
6.  Hot glue guns and glitter spray that make us that are borderline crafty look like we are super crafty!
7.  Fresh flowers and weeds that brighten a table
8.  Gingham and burlap
9.  Water infused with berries
10. Watching my daughter run to catch a picture of the sunset.

Day 5

Friday!!!  I used to go on my long runs and come home, shower and go eat hot dogs with my hubby.  Today my long run was only 4 miles but it took me an hour!  No hot dogs, I ate at the Festival of Tables for the Community Free Clinic, chicken casserole, collards and yams!  YUM!!!

Today I am thankful for:

1. When my friends from different places come together
2.  The Poppy Picnic table that won 2nd place at the event and sold for $150!!!
3.  All of those who helped make the table, Amy, Cindy Brandt, Vicki Isenhour, Sue Jones and Blakely Irvin.
4.  Those who sat at our table
5.  That Tina wants to go next year!  :)
6.  That I can listen to Susan practice while I am in my office
7.  That the message boards are done
8.  That I can have a beer tonight and not feel bad, I did run for an hour!
9.  Collard Greens
10.  Fun with friends

The Last 90 Days, Day 2

Cheese straws will be the death of me!  Becky Shinn's circle met this morning and she makes the best cheese straws!  I am patiently waiting to see if she had any left over.  I may have cheese straws for lunch!

I managed to hit all of my goals yesterday.  Water, exercise, time for myself but I have not finished my gratitude.  This morning in the car I told my middle schoolers about this challenge and we talked about things we are grateful for.  I hope to make that a daily thing.

So to finish out yesterday.
7.  Barrett and Travis, two great fifth graders that have run with me since 3rd grade.  Great attitudes, great athleticism and really nice kids!
8.  Chris Hamilton and Casar Delgado in the office at Irvin, who make it possible for me to have a running club.
9.  Jimmy Johnson who donated the money to build the track at Irvin.  When I started, we ran around the field.
10.  Kind neighbors.  The people mowing the grass at Irvin came by and gave me an update on when they would be done.  That is all it takes, a moment to be kind.  Let's be kind people!

Day 2, 10 things I am grateful for!

1.  My coworkers
2.  My job
3.  Andy Langford, who gave me this job.  He pushed me to be more, motivated me and tolerated me.
4.  My blue office, decorated by my daughter and race bibs.
5.  Tammy and Gary Shue who always have my back
6.  Amazon music that keeps me going during the day
7.  The art in my office, by Blakely, given to me by Gaye, pictures of friends and kids
8.  My comfy chair
9.  This awesome computer I get to work on every day
10.  imovie, so much fun!

Monday, October 1, 2018

The Last 90 Days

I haven't read the book, Girl, Wash Your Face. but two friends recommend it.  However I am taking the author's challenge for the next 90 Days.

1. I could not get up an hour earlier.  I did get up a little earlier.  I need to keep trying to make this a habit.

2. Last Wednesday I ran for 2 miles or 30 minutes which ever came first!  Today I made myself go for 30 minutes.

3. I managed the 82 ounces of water yesterday.  It isn't even lunch time and I have had about 25 already.

4.  In order to set myself up to succeed, I plan to give up something I know I can give up.  At dinner I plan to give up the starch I put on the table.  I like them too much and they just put weight on my body.

5.  What am I grateful for?  A lot, so here goes the first 10.
     1.  Running
     2. the Greenway
     3. My blue running shoes
     4. My Garmin watch
     5.  Jennifer Posey-who cheers me on and picks me up when I trip and fall
     6. Running Club at WM Irvin!!!
I think I will save the next four for the rest of my day.  I will add them tonight or tomorrow.