Monday, August 29, 2016

Why Yes, I Blink!

David 6th
I am going to blink, because it isn't polite to stare.  On the first day of school so many parents use the hashtag, #dontblink.  I won't, and here is why!

Today my oldest started middle school.  David is kind, smart and fun.  I have enjoyed being his mom.  And I did get a little teary as I dropped him off.  He wouldn't look at me as he got out of the car, I know he was a little anxious.  But I have faith in the job his father and I have done raising him, that he will be fine.

Thomas 1st & Blakely 4th
He will take care of his friends, he will be a good friend.  He will make good choices (except maybe in the cafeteria).  And I hope he has as much fun in middle school as I did in junior high.

Thomas and Blakely are in the first grade and fourth grade.  We have raised them to be strong individuals who are making their own path in elementary school, not living in their brother's shadow.  They too, are smart and fun and will make good choices.

All that said, I am not sad they are growing up.  We didn't have children to keep them as infants for 20 years.  I loved that cuddly baby stage but I love my children where they are now too!  I have loved and embraced them at every point of their lives.  I am excited for the journey ahead.

One of my favorite pieces of scripture is "This is the day the Lord has made, Let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24  If we didn't have the bad days, we wouldn't embrace the good ones.  If we didn't have the terrible two's then we wouldn't be ready for 5th grade girls!  Each step in life leads us to the next one.  Embrace what you have and what it took to get you there.  And blink, take a nap if you need to.  Raising children isn't easy but the results are worth it!

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