Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Yes, Online Learning Stinks

My mother was a teacher and an administrator. My sister is a teacher. My husband's father was a teacher and an administrator.  I have teacher friends. I have administrator friends. We go to church with the superintendent of Cabarrus County Schools. But I am also a parent.

I do want my kids to go back to school. They need it. They miss their friends and sports. They have even said they miss school.  I miss the schedule of school. I miss ball games, I even miss packing lunches. 

I think I have heard more people say, 'My kid doesn't do well with remote learning.' And I get it, mine aren't thriving in it either. More kids than not aren't thriving in it. We are social animals and we all crave that personal attention. But we are all in the same boat. All our kids are learning remotely. And it is hard for all of us. 

There are COVID-19 theories all over the place; it is a hoax by the government, it is just the flu, the strength of the virus is weakening, it doesn't do as much harm to children.  But what if is isn't? A friend from high school was sick with COVID.  Her latest Facebook post pled for everyone to tell your loved ones they are loved. 

When we talk about schools we aren't talking just about kids. It takes adults to run those schools. I know several who have just a few more years left before they can retire, my sister being one of them. Many of these adults are afraid for their health. Maybe COVID is a hoax, but what if it isn't and my sister gets sick from a child who did not show any symptoms.

I do not envy our leaders making these decisions. I am not going to criticise, however, next time we vote for School Board I am doing my research. Not because of the decisions they have made because this entire event has shown how important good leaders in the school system are.

Dr. Lowder made a recommendation to protect everyone. As a leader he should protect those who are under him. I respect that. I have always said, a good leader isn't afraid to do your job should the need arise. And I believe Chris Lowder has demonstrated he isn't afraid and that he understands the fear of our teachers and administrations have.

This whole thing sinks. And it stinks for all of us. I will celebrate the day when my kids can cheer and play ball. I will celebrate the day when we can hug and sit together. I celebrate the day my kids can go back to school.  But for now I stand with Lowder.
